Monday Musette
Just two items today, but there's something tantalizing for tomorrow. I just haven't had enough time to write it. Yep, that's a teaser.

I was out wandering yesterday, trying to get some photos of the road construction along 56th Street North just east of US169. This is a popular and useful route for cyclists as it connects Owasso with Tulsa to the south. It's not the only route as Mingo Road is another north-south road off to the west, but 56th sees far less traffic, making for a pleasant commute.

A year or two ago, I met a survey crew out there. They were drilling for core samples to determine the soil and rock composition under the one lane bridges across Bird Creek. Presently, there's a steel bridge spanning the creek and an old wooden bridge just to the west. The wood bridge has been reconstructed at least once already. The survey crew said that there was a plan to replace both bridges with a new span.
Improving this road makes sense. It will connect the highway to Owasso's new 400 unit housing area to the east. Unfortunately, my quiet rural commute will be lost.
These photos show that heavy equipment has been operating on both sides of the existing roadway on the approach to the steel bridge. Perhaps this is preparation for widening the road and replacing both bridges. Time will tell.
Cyclocross at Mohawk Park
In my wanderings, I blundered across the crew from 360 Sports in Owasso as they were preparing to leave for a cyclocross event in Mohawk Park. I was very tempted to go along, but another household crisis intervened. Our drier vent plugged up, and rather than have a house fire, I decided to fix it. One thing lead to another - as they usually do around the CycleDog ranchero - and what should have been a 45 minute job took the rest of the afternoon to sort out.

Anyway, here's a truckload of cyclocross bikes, all shiny and bright. I'll bet they looked considerably worse after the event.

And here's the 360 Sports crew, all shiny and bright.
There's more cyclocross news coming up, but that will be tomorrow's subject. It's a goodie, I promise!
Cyclocross, did someone say "Cyclocross?" Do tell!
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