Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is too bizarre!

(Image from Dancing Times)

It a jive translator! Word. Use this to mangle some English. Just like that romance novel you keep stashed under the bed, playing with a translator like this can become a nasty, filthy, pernicious habit that you turn to again and again. Here's the original text from the Recumbents: Threat or Menace post.

Recumbents are the spawn of Satan. Oh, the people who ride them look like ordinary, relatively normal human beings, but don't let that fool you. They're demonic imps, bent on global domination. They often form up in packs and they'll box you in on the road, endlessly haranguing you about the supposed benefits of their outlandish machines, until, like a trapped muskrat, you find yourself considering gnawing off a limb to escape. Other desperate diamond frame riders succumb to the pressure and drink the 'bent Kool-Aid (or maybe it should be called Kook-Aid), becoming yet another recumbent zombie. Then they go out to infect others.

And here's the result:

Recumbents is tha spizzay of Satan. Oh, tha thugz who rizzle them look like ordinary, relatively normal human steppin' but diznon't let that foo` you . Chill as I take you on a trip. They're demonic imps, bizzle on global dominizzles so you betta run and grab yo glock. Tizzle often form up in packs n they'll box you in on tha road, endlessly harangu'n you `bout tha supposed benefits of they outlandish machines, until, like a trapped muskrat, you find yoself consider'n ridin' off a limb ta escape. Brotha desperate diamond frame playa succumb ta tha pressure n driznink tha 'bent Kool-Aid (or maybe it should be called Kook-Aid), blunt-rollin' yet pusha recumbent zombie. Thiznen they go out ta infect killa.

Here's da link: http://www.gizoogle.com



Blogger Paul Tay said...

am calling ALL Tulsa bicycling VOTERS to convene, crash, and CRITICAL MASS at the Tulsa Street Panel Citizen Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 29, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the Central Center at Centennial Park, 1028 E. Sixth St. (Sixth Street and Peoria Avenue).

Show up, speak up, and bring your bikes!

Please sign the petition.

I will submit the hard copy LIBERALLY at the meeting and at other appropriate venues.

Obviously, as bicyclists exposed to the hazards of traffic, decidedly UN-bicycle friendly streets, and street designs that ENCOURAGES criminal speeding, EVERYDAY, we have a HUGE vested interest in making our voices heard in how we want Tulsa streets RE-designed, not only to benefit ourselves, but, also, contribute to safer streets for ALL users of the roadway.

The panel invites Tulsans to share their comments by either speaking to the group or submitting written comments. Those who want to speak will be asked to sign in before the meeting begins.

The Complete Our Streets panel is taking a comprehensive look at Tulsa's streets. This includes information gathering, questioning of information, and decision making for recommendations to be submitted by December 4 to the Mayor and City Council. The panel will focus on three aspects of Tulsa's streets: contracting, smart urban design and financing.

A committee has been assigned to study each of these three areas. For further information, you may contact the City of Tulsa Mayor's Action Center at 596-2100.

Please re-post this LIBERALLY on ALL Tulsa bike-related online forums.

Remember, if you don't speak up, complain, or otherwise make a BIG fuss in a nice conference room where cooler heads prevail, you'll be complaining, grousing, and whining on the STREETS, possibly in front of some overzealous IGNORANT road raging motorist, or worse, Deputy Barney Fife.

2:20 PM  

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